
a journal of the work i do on my 1954 chevy 1/2-ton pickup, ''peanut''

Monday, September 01, 2003

One thing leads to another...
...as always. Since today was Labor Day, I figured I should put in some labor on Peanut. I used a putty knife and most of my day's supply of elbow grease to finish scraping off the old cork gasket from the underside of the engine. I then took a die grinder with various wire attachments to the bottom of the oil pan and removed what was left of its original, rusting, paint job. This task took most of the afternoon, with plenty of breaks to let the air compressor charge back up, kill off a bunch of wasps buzzing around my shade tree, and turn off the air compressor long enough for my roommate to get the stereo working in his Lotus. Once the pan was clean, I prepped it with Metal Ready, rinsed and dried, and put on two coats of POR-15, which are drying now on the front porch. I think it's safe to leave the bottom of the engine uncovered overnight, since it looks like it won't rain again until tomorrow evening. I'll pick up some engine paint tomorrow when I go to Checker to pick up my oil pan gasket, then hopefully I'll have time to paint, dry, and reinstall the oil pan before I go to class in the afternoon. Hope work doesn't mind me missing tomorrow morning!

While I was under the truck today, I noticed that the rubber fuel lines I installed not too long ago have cracked already! I really don't have any money to replace them with stainless lines, so I think I'll take them back to Broadway Automotive and see if they have anything tougher. Maybe jacketed with something. That's really annoying. I think it's safe to drive for now, but I'd better keep to the short drive to and from work.


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